
Quantity Price Price For 1000
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2.500 $11.00 $4.40 Buy
5.000 $21.00 $4.20 Buy
10.000 $39.00 $3.90 Buy
20.000 $74.00 $3.70 Buy
Quantity Price Price For 1000
1 $2.00 $2,000.00 Buy
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1 $2.20 $2,200.00 Buy
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10 $83.30 $8,330.00 Buy
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1 $2.70 $2,700.00 Buy
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1 $2.20 $2,200.00 Buy
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1 $27.70 $27,700.00 Buy
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1 $27.70 $27,700.00 Buy
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1 $27.70 $27,700.00 Buy
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1 $27.70 $27,700.00 Buy
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1 $554.40 $554,400.02 Buy
Quantity Price Price For 1000
1 $333.30 $333,299.99 Buy

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